Sich auf seinen Lorbeeren ausruhen heißt sie wertschätzen.
Hello, I'm glad to be back to Newgrounds. I am the guy formerly known as "wickedwizard". I hope, the things I will post, will be better than those back then, but I guess 4 of my songs had been frontpaged, so let's see, what we can do now...
Age 38, Male
Schongau, Germany
Joined on 6/22/22
Posted by GuitARBEn - August 20th, 2022
Not only for jazz lovers. I use them a lot, too. I like music theory in general. May I talk a little about it? I will just stick to the main aspects, which I think are pretty important. I hope, I'm not talking shit. I know, this will be just a little part of the whole music theory. So let's start.
The main scale is the major scale, everything comes from it. If you build triads over each of the 7 notes of the major scale, then you get 3 MAJOR CHORDS (I, IV and V), 3 MINOR CHORDS (II, III and VI) and 1 DIMINISHED CHORD (VII). But just using those triad chords is a little boring, so I suggest to use chord extensions as well. And now, that's interesting. We just take a look on the chord extensions, which are notes from the major scale.
For the 3 MAJOR CHORDS, the best extensions in my opinion, are the major second, the major sixth and the major seventh as natural chord extensions, with the exception of the V, which has a minor seventh. They usually don't need to just act as suspended notes. They make your boring triad chords sound much more interesting and beautiful!
For the 3 MINOR CHORDS, the best extensions in my opinion, are the perfect fourth, the minor seventh and the major second, with the exception of the III. There would be a minor second and this does only sound good when acting as a suspended note.
For the DIMINISHED CHORD, I don't know, which extension would sound best, because I usually don't use diminished chords in my songs.
So here we go, these were my thoughts about music theory. I hope you could understand, what I was talking about and I hope you liked it.